August 11, 2010

what could be the most boring act that you had ever performed in your life?
stared at your computer screen mindlessly till you wait for the internet connection to resume? what is it, your eyeballs have the power to plug fibre optic cables across the atlantic?

waited for a bus that will be here any minute now? The minute they talk about, is pure evil. It hides, elusively, preys on the human mind, making him weak and feeble until he realizes that he should give up, and kill himself.

spent hours and hours trying to clean up the toilets when they have molds which would require any human to possess the strength of three hundred whoppers to clean them?

Sat there all day, looking at the ceiling fan, complaining about life, talking nonsense to self, making very poor jokes about everyone else, mocking everything else on the planet, I am sorry, I think that was my usual carried away.

This one is what comes to my mind, as the daredevilry, a mindblowing and phenomenal act of boredom, the master of all boring acts, the king-if you will:

Cleveland, on a weekday.

Its such a small sentence, but you would see that everything is wrong about this. Almost everything. Cleveland, is the biggest mistake. The next one, is of course, weekday. It is a pardonable offense, and pales into insignificant insignificance in comparison to the first c word.(shhh....)
Its like saying Voldemort(wince) out loud. But voldemort is the most handsome and chivalrous gentleman when compared to the cleveland torture. Its a place, for all those who are not familiar with it. Its a place, that is probably the worst thing to have ever happened to human kind, after sarah palin. Its located in American mid-west, which by itself is gloriously dry and boring, unbelievably sparsely populated and has 0.1% of the sensation that Venice has. What is fascinating is, there are people living here. Real people, like you, like me(ok maybe not me), and they live here. You know, live.(laughing, very very hard, going to throw up now)

The first thing that captures your attention as soon as you enter the city is, it is a son of a b**chy bore. The downtown, boasts of some beautiful sights that are hardly worth remembering, so I am not going to go into the details. I cannot even if I want to, because that is how exciting it was. Next must visit, is the Cleveland's rock and roll hall of fame museum of crap. It has some of the most exquisite nonsense about rock stars-people who had no idea that they would be commercially exploited in the name of tourism couple of years down the line when they were living in s**t poverty, trying to sing their butts off for living a decent life.

Weekdays are fun. Everybody else totters off to work, spending time usefully, contributing something to the taxes, making the planet a better place to live, exerciseing their brains lest they become defunct, making more social contacts, on the whole, they do something with their lives.(There I go again). I went to cleveland, because my roommate had an interview. I know, can there be any more worse excuses? I mean, this must be the worst of the worst of them. This is bottomline insult to the basic reasoning pattern of the human adult. This is ignorantly being arrogant of the dangers of no thinking, or some people would say this a the 'dimwit revolution'. People like us, should not be allowed to think and take decisions, it might prove to be very dangerous for the society. Much worse than those gun waving, hate speech shouting lads, or those three piece suit wearing, policy making, cigar smoking blokes.

Slowly, life unfolds. And folds again. and unfolds. and I will keep writing this, because I have time, but for the sake of the reader's patience, I will just say this-Life is unfolding, and all that we get to see is a either a beautiful canvas of hope, dreams, joy, fulfillment, and magic, or a tarnished, derelict grey hued, bleak and foreboding picture of styx. Its the mind, that understands that the portrait is not of these dualities, it is a portrait of us, a portrait of our strength, endurance, humility, perseverance,humor, of our belief, and of our ability to look at ourselves as a human being, rather than as a marketable product-only they have successes and failures. As human beings, we must be something more than that. That's enough philosophical nonsense.(if my repressed emotions dictating me to write nonsense qualifies as philosophy).

Cheers. See you all in the next post then.

none of the he/she stuff indicates my chauvinistic tendencies. Anything that is applicable for he is also applicable for a she, in most of the cases(pregnancy, menstruation etc.)
No gender discrimination, we are an equal opportunity blogger A/F/V/T/5/O/X/"/D/tongue rolling out/screw you we don't hire you/
also, read the post below if and only if you want to read some foul mouthed comments on Indian politics, very foul language.


Kally said...

I still didnt get wat wer u trying to say!!! Summa frnd oda Cleveland poittu mokkai vaangine nu sola variyaa??

gautham said...

yes, it is a very big bore and a pointless journey, which somehow symbolises my life right now, to a hopeless and pathetic destination. :D

you are right. :P