தீபாவளி வாழ்த்துக்கள்.
Disclaimer: This post contains some anti-breeding talk. If you don't like that and are likely to be judgemental or, if you do like it but would point out factual inaccuracies, kindly sod off.
My cousin sister recently gave birth to a very healthy baby boy, and he is currently the talk of the entire north arcot family tree. Apparently, he is more than just a handful, and it takes the collective effort of my sister and her parents and her parents in law, and everyone in the south madras area to make him sit tight for a few minutes. I have to admit, I am baffled. completely. Why do people have kids? Some people blame karma. I blame bad contraception techniques. Or, bad plans. Or, very poor judgement of one's own intellectual, emotional, and mental abilities, which would be naturally transmitted to the offspring. For all that gas about going against what is natural to human beings, I think some would agree with me. Its a pain on the resources of the parents, the society, the state, the country and the nation and the world.(yes, yes, the universe too, don't get too smart with me)
Alternatively, the point is, some day, the earth would explode(inevitably). red giant and all that, so at that point of time, procreation is not going to help, is it? So, the next time somebody wants to have a baby, tell them about the red giant/super nova concept unless you find some way to escape the disaster(not the dmk being elected again, the other red giant)
#Never, tell other people that your child is a handful, and that he/she is a little rascal. We know that, we have seen your good self and your wife, and we are aware of your managerial skills.
#Test tubes work these days. Doesn't mean they are good parents. Parenting is an art, not engineering. Every other idiot should not become one.
#karma. Partly, maybe(based on empirical understanding of the concept). But, you are solely responsible for your own disaster. You wanted to have fun, you pay the price now.
#We should have some IQ and EQ tests before people even mate, and sign and initial these forms(this idea is from a friend of mine). You know, just so that they are aware of the implications of the levels of intelligence of their son/daughter/both and are made aware that this is what they are imposing on the society.
#If you tell me that your child is going through bad times, I will hit you on the head with a shaft, and brand those words on your head because, you were clearly aware of the best solutions for bad times.
I decided to go for a long trip one day. So, I visited mylapore(went by train, to deliberately lengthen it) to say hi to kabaali, a good friend. He is alright, was a little upset that all the women folk were paying more attention to his wife karpagam, what with the navaraathri season and all that. He was cool with it though, he was trying to play down his problem as trivial. I was talking to him about my situation, and he joked about including my story for his upcoming thiruvilayadal version 2.0(I think he was being serious). I am pretty sure kabaali was excited when I was leaving. It was as if something of a exciting story had unfolded in the form of my narrative in front of his eyes, and I think I saw him grind his palms together in nambiar fashion.
When you start having imaginary conversations, you understand that its time for therapy.
As the most traumatic and clinically depressing stage of life is taking its toll on me, I decided either to go to the movies or try anti-depressants. Thinking that some of my aunts might be disturbed by my open admission(and how much they would hate me for such puns), I went to see endhiran with a very good friend. Some comments are in order, in addition to the obnoxious fawning about rajni and the existing hyperbole on the net; I am going to make very few observations.
#aishwarya rai's makeup is the universal constant, in raavan and endhiran. at any given place and time, it defies normalcy.
#a little attention to detail would tell us that,in the movie, pastries is not properly spelt(what is past tense for spell?) in one scene. It is written as pasteries.(i know, my life sucks)
#Contrary to my own belief system to write out everything as rubbish and overcoming my irresistible urge to criticize and comment on almost everything under the sky, I must say, I liked the movie-some witty dialogues helped the cause(who is this chellaatha?).
#The instrumental pudiya manidha score towards the end credits was really nice.
#The instrumental pudiya manidha score towards the end credits was really nice.
#of course, thalaivar is awesome(my bit to the fawning).
"நெஞ்சத்துள்ளோர் பொறாமை எனும்தீ நீள்வதால் உள்ள நெக்குருகிப் போய் மஞ்சன் ஆண்மை மறம் திண்மை மானம் வன்மை யாவும் மறந்தனன் ஆகி பஞ்சையாம் ஒரு பெண்மகள் போலும் பாலர் போலும் பரிதவிப்பானாய்..."-mahakavi, on duryodhana's jealousy towards pandavas.(from this week's thuglaq)
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